by Magnus Iuel Berg

Graphic: Dina Rosenmeier
Premiere at Boessehuset August 25, 2022
Berghain Showtimes: |
Thursday August 25 8pm Friday August 26 8pm and 10:30pm Saturday August 27 8pm and 10:30pm Thursday September 8 8pm Friday September 9th 8pm and 10:30 pm Saturday September 10th 8pm and 10:30 pm
Venue: Bøssehuset, Mælkevejen 69D, 1440 KøbenhavnPerformance is on roller skates and in English |
The Plot
An Alice-in-Wonderland journey through the famous Berliner disco. Berghain is the home of techno music, and here, the party never stops.
During the CPH Queer Theatre Festival in 2021, Berghain had its world premiere at Folketeatret and The Royal Theatre’s Skuespilhuset in Copenhagen. Due to the popularity and demand, the play has been re-staged and will open for a new run on August 27th. Audience goers attending Aarhus Festival uge will also be able to experience this unique show. Berghain is an original play by the Reumert-winning playwright Magnus Iuel Berg and the music os composed by Simon Muchinsky, from the famous Danish band When Saints Go Machine.
Director: Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen
Dramatiker : Magnus Iuel Berg
Composer/Musician: Simon Muschinsky
Cast: Daniel Niel Ash, Kristen Flanagan, Jon G. Vopnfjörð, Theresa Mangara, Chris Vincent
Producer: Down The Rabbit Hole
Press photography: Laura Ioana V
Directed by
Jeremy M. Thomas

Jeremy is a freelance stage director and member of the Danish Directors Union, with a Master of Fine Arts in Directing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and over 10 years professional directorial experience, working primarily in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is a collaborative leader, with a strong sense for language and his artistic work focuses on re-imagining text-based theatre through experimentation and new play development through a unique concept of creative co-creation. Some of his most notable work is The Shy Manifesto (2020), The Clean House (2019) and Old Times (2020)

Magnus Iuel Berg
Magnus Iuel Berg f. 1985 Dramatiker Magnus er uddannet fra Den Danske Scenekunstskoles linje for Dramatisk skrivekunst, i 2016. Han debuterede på det Kongelige teater i 2016, med forestillingen ”Human Afvikling”, og er siden blevet opført på bl.a. Aarhus Teater (”Premiere”), Grob (”I Støvet Fra Regnen”), Mungo Park Kolding (”Øjenvidneberetninger”) og Zangenbergs Teater (”Finn Og De 5 Fajl” og ”Heroin”). Magnus modtog i 2019 Danske Dramatikeres manuskriptpris for børne- og ungdomsteater, for forestillingen ”Finn Og De 5 Fajl”. Og i 2018 modtog han en Årets Reumert for ”I Støvet Fra Regnen”.
“Ideen til Berghain opstod som et ønske om, at introducere publikum til en verden, som kun få kender til: raverkulturen. Jeg har selv været en dedikeret ”raver” i mine 20’ere, så jeg har en stor kærlighed til det miljø, men det er en kærlighed, der er svær at dele. Det er meget svært at forklare det positive i, at unge mennesker samles, tager stoffer og danser til den lyse morgen og det er umuligt at forstå vigtigheden af det, når man ikke selv har været med. Det skaber et skel, der gør det svært at spotte de mennesker, der ikke kan styre festerne og ryger ned i sorte huller, og jeg ønskede derfor at skabe en fælles forståelse, som kunne gøre det lettere at tale om. Derfor ville jeg tage publikum med på en rejse, hvor de kunne opleve på egen krop hvad det ville sige, at være med til en ravefest. På godt og ondt.

Simon Muschinsky
Simon Muschinsky, musician, producer, composer. Formerly “When Saints Go Machine” which he has produced for and toured most of the world with for the past 12 years.
In addition, he has done a lot of crossover art projects between music, film and installation art.

Chris Vincent
Christian Vincent is a Danish actor, VO-artist and award winning activist based in Copenhagen, with a solid connection to The Netherlands and Malta.He has been coached by Danish dubbing-legend Lars Thiesgaard, lending his voice to animation, live-action and computer games since 2011. Credits include titles such as Pokémon, Total Drama Island and Skylanders. Upon graduating from Ophelia Acting Studio he toured with the Danish hit musical “Skammerens Datter” before venturing to Amsterdam for a personal growth journey. Now he is back on stage after a 5-year hiatus, and Berghain will be Chris’ second non-Danish performance this season, as he has just returned from his international stage debut performing in a controversial comedy about people living with HIV in Malta.

Kristen Flanagan
Kristen Flanagan is an actor, voiceover artist, and corporate communicator, originally from the US, who has been living and working in Copenhagen for nearly six years. She holds a B.A. in Theatre Performance from Tulane University and has appeared in various productions in New Orleans and Copenhagen, most recently starring as Connie in Assemble Theatre Collective/CTC’s ‘The Effect’. Kristen made her debut working with Jeremy M. Thomas as Charlotte Corday in ‘The Revolutionists’ as part of the Summer Staged Readings series.

Daniel Neil Ash
Daniel Neil Ash was born in Kingston Upon Hull, England. He began acting professionally at eighteen, when he graduated the foundation program at the Oxford School of Drama. He worked in film and theatre and starred in The Broken Teeth of Lions, produced by BAFTA winner ‘Chris Hees’ before deciding to continue his training on the three year program at the Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts.
Upon graduating in June 2020 Dan made his Debut with the Shy Manifesto for HIT CPH and has since worked as a voice actor and also starred in Later We Go Home supported by Filmvaerkstedet. On the side dan is an accent coach and writes drama for his own projects.

Theresa Mangara

Jon G. Vopnfjörð
Jon, an Icelandic actor, from a small fishing village located in the Westfjords (Tálknafjörður), on his 3rd an final year at CISPA studying acting for BA. He has had numerous projects in the field, in movies, TV and on stage as well as several commercials and done few Narrations as well.
Bøssehuset Premiere August 25th
Play premieres on Roller Skates at Bøssehuset August 25th. Tickets are selling our fast – get yours now at Teaterbilletter.dk

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