Harry Clarke
By David Cale

“Direction that brings it all to life”
“Inhabiting the same stage and making use of the same bed, the monologues’ respective directors Joseph Sherlock and Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen both deserve credit for helping their charges to deliver close to three hours of pulsating intensity. The action never lets up and the times whizzes by.”
(/Review: The Cph Post/ Ben Hamilton, Oct 2020)
Harry Clarke –“Det er der kommet en betagende monolog ud af, der ikke overraskende også handler om generthed, og hvad der sker, når generte mennesker giver slip og slår sig løs. Det lyder måske harmløst, men det er skræmmende og meget forståeligt i denne engelsksprogede monolog.”
The Shy Manifesto – “Det er en djævelsk velskrevet monolog af Michael Ross og instrueret af Jeremy M. Thomas. Teksten er vidunderlig, og den bliver leveret frisk og pågående af Daniel Neil Ash.”
(/Review: – Ørkendromme, Oct 2020)
“Down The Rabbit Holes energiske producent Jeremy M. Thomasbekræfter tilmed, at han hører blandt vores bedste iscenesættere af engelsksproget teater. Han sørger således for en uventet dynamik såvel som en sensitiv balance mellem morskab og sårbarhed.”
(/Review: CphCulture, Oct 2020)
Harry Clarke – “Iscenesætter Joseph Sherlock gør forestillingen spændende som en kriminalfilm, men uden den rette skuespiller i centrum var det næppe gået. Jody Fish har den helt rigtige kombination af frækhed og følsomhed, og vi bliver efterhånden også helt bekymret for Philip, der ligesom vi forsvinder ind i HARRY CLARKEs univers.”
The Plot
This sexual, biographical thriller follows young American barista Harry – or is it Philip? – who escapes to the bright lights of New York from the American Midwest, and re-invents himself using an alter-ego as an Englishman, accent and all.
We follow breathlessly Harry’s attempts to re-invent in this way his own (real?) timid self , to escape a cruel, abusive childhood, a now dead, alcoholic, homophobic father and overwhelmed dying mother. We watch Harry con his way into a series of amorous adventures with New York high society, all in the hands of just one actor in a theatre, playing 19 personalities, in a masterful range of accents and flashbacks. This is a play that has the audience believing what was never really there and praying despite the fear, that you can be whoever you want to be.
About the Playwright
Playwright David Cale is a British/American writer and actor, active in New York, who has admitted his writing has been shaped by the horrific experiences of crime experienced by his own family in his teenage years in Britain. Not surprising that Harry Clarke is a tale about a misunderstood boy who flees an abusive childhood and remakes himself in Manhattan.

Actor: Jody Fish Photo ?
American actor Jody Fish (playing Harry Clarke) performed in summer stock theatres alongside numerous Broadway actors while growing up in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He has recently made his return to the stage for HIT’s Pride Monologues. He is also gaining momentum in the film industry, having been cast in several short films, commercials, and voiceovers. Jody is educated in both the US and Europe, and has a degree in linguistics with a specialisation in accent research.
Joseph Sherlock (directing Harry Clarke) is a British theatre director and actor based in Copenhagen. He has produced original, contemporary and Shakespearean plays in England, Australia, China and now Denmark and Sweden. Most recently Joseph collaborated on House of International Theatre’s Pride Monologues as a part of CPH Pride 2020 and is currently directing the comedy Sylvia in Malmö, Sweden, for Playmate Theatre Malmö.