For a Danish audience poised on the brink of the nightlife sector’s reopening, it’s almost too good to be true. Most were swaying (or at least twitching with the effort of restraint) and many were all-out dancing in the pulsing darkness. Berghain is brave, honest and above all a huge amount of fun. Embrace it. Go in your leather, bring a collar and a leash, wear a strap-on! Or whatever. Berghain doesn’t hold back and neither should you.

DK: THE MONEY SHOT er en herlig komedie i den absolut letteste ende af genren. Det er befriende i en tid med potent krænkelsesparathed, og det gippede da også af og til i det yngre publikum, der sad omkring mig. Særligt blandt de udenlandske gæster. Det veloplagte cast giver den gas, mens intrigerne står i kø og skelletterne vælter ud af skabene. Og selvom forestillingen forløber forudsigeligt i gadedrengehop henover scenen, så ender den alligevel med en skøn lille overraskelse, der gør hele forestillingen værd at se.
UK: THE MONEY SHOT is a wonderful comedy at the absolute easiest end of the genre. It’s liberating in a time of potent violation readiness, and it sometimes also gipped in the younger audience sitting around me. Especially among foreign guests. The well-laid cast gives it gas while the intrigue is in line and the skeletons are pouring out of the cabinets. And even though the show predictably goes on in street boy jump across the stage, it still ends with a nice little surprise that makes the whole show worth watching.

DK: Cph Queer Theatre Festival byder på forestillinger, hvis historier typisk handler om mennesker, der søger deres egentlige identitet – og som bryder op fra deres heterodominerede omgivelser og søger nye fællesskaber inden for LGBTQ+-spektret. Forestillingerne har altså et åbent menneskesyn, som binder dem sammen – og de videregiver ikke mindst stærke følelser af at være set ned på og at være forfulgt og kanøflet. For disse skrøbelige sind bor i saftige og længselsfulde kroppe. Festivalen spreder derfor i sig selv en stærk varme mellem disse mennesker, der tydeligvis har været gennem mere modgang end de fleste. Derfor er det også et klart og vigtigt signal, at ikke mindst Folketeatret og Det Kongelige Teater så tydeligt har inviteret queerteatret indenfor.
UK: The Cph Queer Theatre Festival offers performances whose stories are typically about people who seek their true identity new communities within the LGBTQ + spectrum. The performances thus have an open view of people, which binds them together. These fragile minds live in juicy and longing bodies. The festival in itself spreads a strong warmth among these people who have clearly been through more adversity than most. That is why it is also a clear and important signal that the Folketeatret and the Royal Theater have so clearly invited the queer theatre inside.

DK: Fælles for alle opsætningerne på Cph Queer Theatre Festival-programmet er, at selvom temaet er LGBTQ+ er det teater og underholdning for alle. Festivalen sætter fokus på LGBTQ-fortællinger, som viser, at alle mennesker i bund og grund – uanset seksualitet – gennemgår hverdagskonflikter, identitetsspørgsmål og udfordringer i livet.
UK: Common to all the setups at the Cph Queer Theatre Festival program is that even though the theme is LGBTQ +, it is theater and entertainment for everyone. The festival focuses on LGBTQ stories, which show that all people basically – regardless of sexuality – go through everyday conflicts, identity issues and challenges in life.

DK: At skabe steder og rum, hvor alle er frie til at være dem, de er, og så tilmed i kunstens navn er vigtigt. Det er derfor, der er behov for og plads til en teaterfestival som CPH Queer Theatre Festival. Når mange emner bliver sat under lup, og man kan shoppe rundt i forestillinger uden forventning, stifter man bekendtskab med noget nyt. Jeg krydser fingre for, at vi ser endnu en CPH Queer Theatre Festival under næste Pride.
UK: Creating places and spaces where everyone is free to be who they are, and so on in the name of art is important. That is why there is a need for and space for a theater festival like the CPH Queer Theater Festival. When many topics are put under the microscope, and you can shop around in performances without expectation, you become acquainted with something new. I cross my fingers that we’ll see another CPH Queer Theater Festival during the next Pride.

Cph Queer Theatre Festival 12-20 August 2021
Once in a lifetime – experience unique performing arts from around the world in just 9 days.
LGBTQ + artists from all over the world will participate in a theater festival with performances at the Folketeatret in Nørregade, the Royal Theatre and several central open-air stages during Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride & EuroGames in August.
Cph Queer Theatre Festival led by Jeremy M. Thomas (HIT | Copenhagen) and Lars Werner Thomsen present an exciting program that offers a unique, comprehensive and diverse selection of performing arts, cabaret, theatrical world premieres, networking events and much more.
Among the festival’s international great talents is the award-winning and internationally acclaimed London West End director Andrew Keates, who stages a reading of The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer on Folketeatret’s Big Stage. Australian artist Moira Finucane, who also participated in HIT |Cph / Down The Rabbit Hole International Theatre’s CPH Stage Festival with her sustainable, digital livestream performance, returns with the terrific cabaret Glory Box, which will be performed in the foyer of the Folketeatret.
The audience will also be able to experience the beautiful ‘Feelings are Facts’ and ‘My Body My Nation,’ an intimate solo performance about the artist’s ownership of his body.
Folketeatret opens its doors for a total of 11 of the festival’s performances, where the program also includes several of the company’s acclaimed LGBTQ+ season plays.
Among them Christoffer Berdal’s touching and socially relevant “Southern Bedfellows,” “The Shy Manifesto” and “Harry Clarke.” The European premiere of Neil Labute’s comedy “The Money Shot”, the world premiere of “Berghain” and “feminine octagon [or, aristotle can eat me.]”
Additionally, 24 queer directors, playwrights, designers and actors from Spain, USA, UK, Iceland, Iran, South Africa, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Russia and more countries will be attending. The festival will feature the turbo-theater concept “Hot Meat”, which is based on the popular and well-established concept THE COLD TABLE. The recipe is simple; the artists are given 10 days – based on a series of creative dogmas – to create four completely new plays, which are based on the political and human challenges associated with being a queer artist in the world’s focal points.
The performances are then presented as pop-up performances during Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride and EuroGames at the city’s festival venues.
The common denominator for all the treats of the Cph Queer Theatre Festival program is that even though the theme is LGBTQ + it is theatre and entertainment for everyone.
The festival focuses on LGBTQ stories, that ultimately show how people, regardless of sexuality, all go through everyday conflicts, identity issues and challenges in life.
You can read more about the performances and buy tickets at folketeatret.dk
For further information, interviews and photo material contact: Dina Rosenmeier tel 53787677 / email: pr@rabbithole.dk
Pressemeddelse 26 Juni, 2021.
LGBTQ+ kunstnere fra hele verden deltager i teater festival med forestillinger på Folketeatret i Nørregade, Det Kongelige Teater og flere centrale friluftsscener i København under Copenhagen 2021, WorldPride & EuroGames i August.
Cph Queer Theatre Festival ledet af Jeremy M. Thomas (HIT – Copenhagen) og Lars Werner Thomsen præsenterer et spændende program, der byder på et unikt, omfattende og varieret udvalg af scenekunst, cabaret, teatralske verdenspremierer, networking events og meget mere.
Blandt festivalens internationale stortalenter er den prisvindende og internationalt anerkendte London West End instruktør Andrew Keates, som iscenesætter en oplæsning af The Normal Heart på Folketeatrets Store Scene. Den australske kunstner Moira Finucane, som også deltog i HIT Copenhagen’s (Down The Rabbit Hole’s) CPH Stage Festival med sin bæredygtige, digitale livestream forestilling kommer tilbage med den forrygende cabaret Glory Box, som opføres i Folketeatrets foyer. Publikum vil også kunne opleve de flotte ‘Feelings are Facts’ og ‘My Body My Nation,’ en intim soloforestilling om kunstnerens ejerskab over egen krop.
Folketeatret åbner dørene for i alt 11 af festivalens forestillinger, hvor programmet også rummer flere af HIT-Copenhagens anerkendte sæson teaterstykker. Heriblandt Christoffer Berdals rørende og samfundsrelevante ‘Southern Bedfellows,’ samt ‘The Shy Manifesto’ og ‘Harry Clarke.’ Der er Europa-premiere på Neil Labutes komedie ‘The Money Shot’, en verdens-premiere på ‘Berghain’ og ‘feminine octagon [or, aristotle can eat me.]
Desuden deltager 24 inviterede queerinstruktører, dramatikere, designere og skuespillere fra bl.a. Spanien, USA, Storbritannien, Island, Iran, Sydafrika, Canada, Mexico, Japan og Rusland. Festivalen vil også byde på turbo-teaterkonceptet ‘Hot Meat’, som tager udgangspunkt i det populære og veletablerede koncept DET KOLDE BORD. Opskriften er enkel; kunstnerne får 10 dage til – ud fra en række kreative dogmer – at skabe fire helt nye forestillinger, som tager udgangspunkt i de politiske og menneskelige udfordringer, der er forbundet med at være queerkunstner i verdens brændpunkter. Forestillingerne præsenteres som pop-up performances under Copenhagen 2021 WorldPride og EuroGames på byens festival pladser.
Fælles for alle opsætningerne på Cph Queer festival programmet er, at selvom temaet er LGBTQ+ er det teater og underholdning for alle. Festivalens sætter fokus på LGBTQ fortællinger, som viser at alle mennesker i bund og grund, uanset seksualitet, gennemgår hverdagskonflikter, identitetsspørgsmål og udfordringer i livet.
Man kan læse mere om forestillingerne samt købe billetter på folketeatret.dk
For yderligere information, interviews og fotomateriale kontakt : Dina Rosenmeier tel 53787677 / email : pr@rabbithole.dk